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NYIH Conversations

Nov 19, 2018

What is virtuosity—and what does a music critic make of it? Worship it? Reject it? Ben Ratliff joins us to talk about the good and bad of virtuoso performance and how it has helped him think about the role of the critic in the age of Spotify.

Nov 5, 2018

Philip Dray reads "The Hunting of the Deer."

Oct 22, 2018

From Daniel Boone to "DIY" hipster hunting, The Fair Chase shows that hunting in America is a story as vast as the country itself, touching on everything from conservation to the history of guns to the emergence of modern sports. NYIH Fellow and Pulitzer Prize finalist Philip Dray spoke to us about his new book, which...

Oct 9, 2018

In the nineteen-seventies, New York Review of Books editor Ian Buruma lived in Japan, where he explored its film, literature, and theater. In this interview with Robert Boynton, Ian discusses his memoir, A Tokyo Romance, in which he reflects on these formative years.

Oct 2, 2018

The Trump White House is a place where a powder-keg masculinity is on dangerous display, ready to explode at any moment. Since his arrival in Washington, Rhonda Garelick’s cultural criticism has brilliantly argued that to understand the man and his administration, you have to pay attention to the women. At a...